Konverter plemesnkih izvješća After you login newly converted reports will be linked with your account Registered users: 17218, new users today: 0  
WR Converter (that means "War Reports") is a script that converts reports form on-line browser-based strategy game tribalwars.net to fit in the internal forums of the game. Additionally it is possible to create reports in form of images. Each report contains a link to an on-line version with additional calculations and statistics. For more information see faq.
Generiranih izvješća: 12.625.854, danas: 0
Great translation session. Ukoliko želite imati WR Converter na Vašem jeziku dajte se u akciju pevođenja! Za sve potrebne informacije, obratite se na ovim stranicama.

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Copyright © 2008 tribal-reports.net, plemiona.one.pl, php&css: danlatocha.com, grafika: Morgan Kendal counter Display Pagerank DNS by FreeDNS::42