Konverter plemesnkih izvješća

It is recommended to use our link!

The conversion using our link is much faster and simpler than manual copying. Additionally it minimalizes the possibility of errors that might occur during improper manual copying. Moreover reports created using the link contain in on-line (report on site) version links leading to users and villages in the game.

The link (supports all major browsers)

Drag&drop (or copy) this link to your bookmark list. Whenever you may need to place a report in the forum click our link while viewing that report. You will be redirected here, where you can choose some options and finish the conversion process. The link will work in both reports menu and public access reports in all language versions. Your report will be converter to the language of this web site (hr). If you play in several language versions of the game, you can use several links - each in different language.

Skrypt do przeglądarki Firefox, Chrome i Opera (nowość!)

Not yet translated! Aby uruchomić skrypt w Firefox potrzebny jest plugin Greasemonkey. Aby zainstalować go w Chrome wystarczy kliknąć w poniższy link i zaakceptować instalację. W przypadku Opery należy skopiować skrypt (Prawy klik > Zapisz element docelowy jako) do wybranego folderu. Wejść w menu Ustawienia > Preferencje > Zaawansowane > Zawartość > Opcje JavaScript i na dole okna podać ścieżkę do folderu w którym umieściliśmy pobrany skrypt. Zainstaluj
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