To je skripta pisana u PHP-u koja pretvara izvješća bitke ili izviđanja s internet-pretraživačkih strateških igara. Dodatno je moguće izraditi izvješća iz slika (koji su automatski smješteni na Svaki izvještaj sadrži poveznicu za web verziju sa dodatnim proračunima i statistikama.
što nam ona to donosi?
Skripta omogućuje brže i lakše umetanje izvješća na plemenski forum jer to automatski dodaje BB-kod na odgovarajuća mjesta, kao vaš nadimak u igri, lokaciju sela itd.. Zahvaljujući tom suigrači iz saveza mogu brzo i jednostavno znati kakva je situacija. Također, zahvaljujući 'image' inačici možete jednostavno postavit bilo koje izvješće na svim vanjskim forumima.WR Converter se također može koristiti za prevođenje izvještaja - neovisno o izvoru jezika izvještaja, generirana izvješća će biti na jeziku web sučelja.
Je li legalno koristit ovu skriptu?
Naravno da je.
Koji dio izvještaja trebam zalijepiti u obrazac
U obrazac zalijepite čak i cijele stranice (Ctrl + A). Ako ne želite na ovaj način, onda kopirajte dio koji počinje sa 'Poslano' ako želite imati datum napada u izvješću, inače od komande za slijedeće
What are Converters features?
Converter can generate war and espionage reports. It supports all available worlds (including 6.0+). In addition to the 'default' data in normal reports it also generates information about survivors and for orientation purposes the amount of resources lost by both sides. Losses are calculated based on the cost of lost units. In the on-line (report on site) version additional calculation are provided - attack/defence strength and the number of earned points in defeated opponents ranking.
How long are the reports kept on the server?
Reports in the on-line version are stored on the server for half a year (180 days) since the last display. Reports that have never been displayed are removed after 2 months (60 days) counted from the day of the conversion. Cleaning of the database takes place automatically every week.
What is 'The link', and what is it for?
It is a piece of JavaScript code included in a link. If you click on it while viewing a report you will be redirected to this site, where you can choose some options and finish the conversion process. Your report will be automatically copied. The link will work in both reports menu and public access reports in all language versions. The use of this link is recommended as it is much faster and minimalizes the possibility of errors that might occur during improper manual copying. More info.
What language versions does Converter support?
Fully supported versions are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Other versions are only supported if you use the Link and will not contain information about buildings and loyalty losses. The report's language is automatically recognized. The output report is translated to the language of the interface.
If something changes in the game and converter stops working properly or you find any other problems please report them at or give me a note at I will try to solve the problem.